vendredi 10 février 2012

What Is an SR22?

An SR22 can only be filed by an insurance company that is authorized to issue SR22s. The SR22 is a document required by a court or by a state law for persons convicted of certain traffic violations, such as DUI, reckless driving, multiple offenders, accidents without insurance coverage in force, etc. It is filed with the department of motor vehicles by an insurance company on behalf of an insured who has a suspended license that can only be reinstated once an SR22 filing is on record with the department of motor vehicles and once all fines and other court ordered requirements are met.

The SR22 filing is a document required by the department of motor vehicles to maintain a driver license in active status per a court mandated order. The filings are required for 3 years after the conviction date. The filing is proof that the driver is in compliance with the state's Financial Responsibility law. The SR22 filing is submitted electronically to the department of motor vehicle's database. When and if your policy cancels or lapses, the insurance carrier notifies the department of motor vehicles of the lapsed or cancelled status. The department of motor vehicles then issues a suspension of the driver's license.

The SR22 is a mechanism meant to ensure that drivers who have been convicted of serious driving offenses comply with the state's financial responsibility laws. There is usually an annual filing fee charged by the insurance company to file the SR22 with the state. Once the probationary period is over, the SR22 filing is not required to maintain an active driver's license. Every state has its own requirements and variations on this form.

The SR22 is state specific. The requirements in one state may not be the same in another state. You can expect an SR22 requirement or financial responsibility in every state with few exceptions. If you have an SR22 in one state and then move to another state, you will be required to meet the SR22 guidelines of the state where the offense was committed, regardless of your state of residence. Most insurance companies don't offer out-of-state filings.

If you carry an SR22 in a particular state and move to another state you must meet the SR22 filing period required by your former state of residence and your insurance policy for your new state of residence must have liability limits which meet the minimum required by law in your former state. An SR22 can only be filed by an insurance company that is authorized to issue SR22's.

I do not know of any state that requires the actualform to be in the vehicle or on your person. Most states submit the SR22 filing electronically to your driving record. Law enforcement can look up the filing status.

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