vendredi 10 février 2012

What Is an SR22?

An SR22 can only be filed by an insurance company that is authorized to issue SR22s. The SR22 is a document required by a court or by a state law for persons convicted of certain traffic violations, such as DUI, reckless driving, multiple offenders, accidents without insurance coverage in force, etc. It is filed with the department of motor vehicles by an insurance company on behalf of an insured who has a suspended license that can only be reinstated once an SR22 filing is on record with the department of motor vehicles and once all fines and other court ordered requirements are met.

The SR22 filing is a document required by the department of motor vehicles to maintain a driver license in active status per a court mandated order. The filings are required for 3 years after the conviction date. The filing is proof that the driver is in compliance with the state's Financial Responsibility law. The SR22 filing is submitted electronically to the department of motor vehicle's database. When and if your policy cancels or lapses, the insurance carrier notifies the department of motor vehicles of the lapsed or cancelled status. The department of motor vehicles then issues a suspension of the driver's license.

The SR22 is a mechanism meant to ensure that drivers who have been convicted of serious driving offenses comply with the state's financial responsibility laws. There is usually an annual filing fee charged by the insurance company to file the SR22 with the state. Once the probationary period is over, the SR22 filing is not required to maintain an active driver's license. Every state has its own requirements and variations on this form.

The SR22 is state specific. The requirements in one state may not be the same in another state. You can expect an SR22 requirement or financial responsibility in every state with few exceptions. If you have an SR22 in one state and then move to another state, you will be required to meet the SR22 guidelines of the state where the offense was committed, regardless of your state of residence. Most insurance companies don't offer out-of-state filings.

If you carry an SR22 in a particular state and move to another state you must meet the SR22 filing period required by your former state of residence and your insurance policy for your new state of residence must have liability limits which meet the minimum required by law in your former state. An SR22 can only be filed by an insurance company that is authorized to issue SR22's.

I do not know of any state that requires the actualform to be in the vehicle or on your person. Most states submit the SR22 filing electronically to your driving record. Law enforcement can look up the filing status.

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Know the Indispensable Nature of Auto Insurance Coverage

If you own a car, then you must know how crucial auto insurance is. By law auto insurance is unavoidable, but this means just to buy the minimum amount of liability insurance required by a particular state. However, auto insurance is far more extensive than just covering the liability costs. If you need total protection from the various costs related to an auto accident, then it's very important to know the various angles of auto insurance coverage. Read on to know the importance of auto insurance coverage and how auto insurance benefits you in various ways.

Types of auto insurance coverage

Buying the suitable amount of auto insurance coverage can really protect you from the financial hazards related to accidents.

Following are the basic coverage that you can get in a typical auto insurance policy:

Bodily injury liability (BI):

This coverage pays for the physical damage that you cause to others in an accident. BI covers the medical bills, pain and suffering and lost wages of the injured party from your side. This coverage also protects you from the cost incurred by lawsuits, if the other party chooses to sue you for their suffered damage. In a tort state, this is the only way of receiving reimbursement in an accident, from the at-fault driver.

Property damage liability (PD):

This covers the liability costs for others' damaged property. If you cause any kind of property damage of the other party, ranging from their vehicle to house or garden fence, PD pays for the loss on your behalf.

Medpay or Personal injury protection (PIP):

This part of the coverage looks after your own medical bills that may arise as a result of an accident related injury. PIP covers you, your passengers and all your permitted drivers for suffered loss. Apart from medical expenses, it also covers for lost wages, funeral expenses and child-care expenses, depending on the policy.

In "no-fault" states, you can get reimbursement for all the above mentioned losses, even if the other party is at fault. This means you don't have to wait for fault determination or lose time in suing the other party to cover for your loss. However, you are free to file a lawsuit, if your losses are higher than the compensation received up to your PIP limit.

Collision coverage:

This coverage pays for the damages suffered by your own car in an accident. Due to collision of vehicles, if your car is damaged, this coverage kicks in, after you pay the deductibles.

Comprehensive coverage:

Collision of vehicles is not only the cause that can harm your vehicle. If your car is damaged due to some other events like fire, theft, vandalism, hail and storm, etc, comprehensive coverage pays to cover for the damage.

Uninsured/Underinsured motorists coverage (UM/UIM):

This coverage pays for your loss, if you suffer in an accident caused by an uninsured or minimally insured driver. This coverage also pays, in case you get victimized in a hit and run situation or by a 'phantom vehicle'.

auto insurance benefits are the most vital to consider, if you possess a vehicle and are worried about your own and your passengers' safety. Understanding your needs and buying appropriate coverage is thus the best thing you can do, before you hit the road.

4.It is not a wise idea to go for individual plans

Most of the people prefer to go for employer's group health insurance plans. They think that individual health insurance plans are quite expensive. But this is not always true. It is said that a steady rise in the cost of the employer's group health insurance plans has been seen in the last few years. A lot of employers have been forced to reduce the benefits due to the rapid increase in the premium rates. Apart from that, the employers are required to follow the state health insurance laws by any means. This implies that you'll have to take up the coverage you don't even need.

However, if you go for individual health plans, then you can purchase the coverage as per your needs. You can purchase coverage as per your health condition. You won't have to spend extra money for the coverage you won't even require in future.

Finally, a lot of people think that the maximum number of uninsured people is below 25 years. Well, this is not exactly true. Statistics reveal that the most of the uninsured people are between 30 and 50 years.

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Money Saving Tricks for Car Insurance

If you love insurance, then you are probably lying. Usually nobody likes having to pay a monthly premium every month for insurance. Insurance comes in many forms and can protect you if you ever need it. Many people try to get away with not having auto insurance. It can be a heavy burden especially when you are still paying on the car. However it is needed and in some states it is mandated. This article will look at a few ways that you can cut your premium costs and still have a great policy. Just remember it is always better to be safe rather than sorry.

Being young can be a great time in your life. Usually as a student you save on tons of everyday items. However traditionally, car insurance is not one of the things that you will save on. As a whole, teenagers are at a higher risk to wreck. Because of this data, companies charge more if there is a teenager on the policy. Now there is a silver lining. If you get good grades in school and you excel then you might be eligible for auto insurance discounts.

Another way that you might be able to save is if you let your driving be monitored. This can infringe on your passion for driving but it will make you a more conscious driver. Some agencies will put a black box in your car and it will keep a tally of all of your driving habits. If you do well then you can expect better rates.

Do you live in the suburb and commute? If you do then you might be in luck. If you can get together a group and carpool together then you can reap the benefits.

Not only do some employers help carpool groups but you also can score discounts. Not to mention better driving lanes in some cities. Carpooling will also save you on mileage and gas. Oh and it is good for the environment. Do you need any other reasons?

Being with a company for several years can also save you money. For example, if you are a policy holder for the same company you had when you first started driving and even you parents have them, chances are that you will be in for some serious discounts. Companies love loyal customers and they will usually do anything that they can to keep you as loyal to them as possible.

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Why You Need Auto Insurance To Protect Yourself

You have worked very hard for the car or cars you have as well as all of your other personal possessions that you place value on. Having adequate auto insurance can protect more than just your cars; it can help protect all of your possessions.

Auto insurance is more than just coverage for your automobiles or RV or motorcycle. Insurance can help insulate you from having your personal assets put at risk should you be involved in an accident and are determined to be at fault. Understanding that all states have different liability or fault laws and different minimum liability coverage requirements, it is important to know that in all states, if you are in an accident and found to be at fault, you are personally responsible for those damages.

Insurance is a way of minimizing that responsibility or exposure for damages you may cause and determined to be responsible for. When you purchase a policy, you select the coverage amounts you want or need. In many cases the lien holder on your vehicle may dictate the amount of coverage you need, if you have one. However, there is something else to consider and ask yourself: what is the value of my personal assets? The reason for that question is this: although your insurance company has a duty to defend you within the policy limits or coverage's you have purchased, a claimant or the person that you caused damage and potentially injury to, can attempt to come after you personally if they feel the limits of your policy are not adequate for their property damages and/or injuries.

An example may help demonstrate this better: You have a current insurance policy with the following limits: property damage $15,000 and bodily injury $15,000/$30,000. the bodily injury limits mean that there is up to $25,000 in coverage available for any single person injured and up to a total of $30,000 total for all injured parties. Lets say, for demonstration, there were 3 people in the vehicle in which the injured parties were in and you were found to be at fault. The driver was injured badly, sustaining a broken hip, lacerations to the face and a broken arm. The other 2 passengers in the vehicle sustained soft tissue injuries to their backs and some cuts to their faces from broken glass. From my experience as a claims adjuster and manager, this claim will be valued over the policy limits of $30,000 for all injured parties.

Remembering that your insurance company has a duty to protect you and resolve this claim within the limits of your policy. If the injured parties have an attorney, the attorney will do his/her due diligence to determine if you have any personal assets of value or are a high net worth individual. If you are, the attorney may decide to pursue both your policy limits and then come after your personal assets. And yes, this does happen and you and your assets could be at risk.

The example above and potential for that to be a real-life one in terms of your personal assets being at risk and having adequate insurance coverage can be mitigated. How? By taking care in understanding your personal financial position and then ensuring you are adequately covered for more than just your vehicle. It is worth your time to pull out your Declarations page that shows what your current coverage limits are and then, if, after really looking at what you have on the line, you feel you may not be adequately insured, use an unbiased, consumer focused site which will allow you to get free auto insurance quotes for the amount of coverage you need to feel that you are adequately covered.

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Saving On One Day Car Insurance

When a mainstream product is customized to meet the particular needs of a consumer segment, you know that there is a demand for the customization. Such is the case with one day car insurance, designed for drivers who require immediate temporary auto insurance coverage.

If you are trying to find the cheapest 1 day car insurance online, there are many comparison sites offering temporary car cover quotes. There is no obligation to purchase so save yourself some time and use those sites to conveniently gather multiple quotes from trusted insurance companies. Ensure that you base your buying decision on comparable cover quotes. That is, basic liability daily auto insurance will be cheaper than comprehensive daily car insurance cover.

Should you find that the comparison sites do not deal with an insurance company you had in mind, you can go directly to that company's website and get a quote to include in your research. The majority of insurance companies are online, offering instant quotes so if you prefer to go to each individual insurer, you can.

Once you have evaluated all the information and decided on a legitimate offer, you can buy day car insurance online for immediate temp cover and even print out the policy documents instantaneously once payment has been authorized. That's the beauty of online shopping - fast and convenient with no waiting in line for your turn.

Many people choose car insurance for one day because it's affordable and flexible, perfect for very short term driving protection. Note that car insurance by the day cover is available for coverage of a single day or up to 28 consecutive days and can be renewed to satisfy your ad-hoc driving pattern. Some people may scoff at bothering to get auto insurance for just one day. It's risky, not to mention illegal, to drive uninsured so we do not advocate such behavior, even if it's just for 1 day. Besides, the process of obtaining one day motor insurance cover is considerably convenient thanks to the Internet. Considering how much a traffic accident could set you back, the price you pay for a 1 day cover is "pennies" in comparison.

Car insurance may be mandatory but paying for more insurance than necessary is definitely not a consumer obligation. Insurance companies make enough money as it is. Therefore, people whose driving frequency has become less regular but whose auto insurance policy remains unchanged should review their options to ensure that they are not wasting money needlessly.

For instance, perhaps you got a new job closer to home or have moved closer to your existing job and therefore, find that you like to walk instead of drive. Or perhaps you're in between jobs and are not driving. Or maybe you own a vehicle because you like the convenience of having access to it on demand but just simply drive it once in a while.

Do any of the above scenarios apply to you? Are you finding that your vehicle spends more time parked in your garage than it does on the road? If you are still paying a regular, annual car insurance premium under these circumstances, consider analyzing whether buying cheap temporary car insurance cover for 1 to 28 days will be more cost effective for your intermittent drives.

If you discover that you drive frequently for a minimum of one month to a maximum of six months, one day car insurance will not apply but a short term "pay as you go" monthly motor insurance policy will.

For those skeptics who wonder if is there is such a thing as temporary auto insurance, yes there is. Not all insurance companies offer daily car insurance so check with your current provider or solicit online quotes to determine the best rate for your immediate needs.

For more information on One Day Car Insurance please review our website.

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The Numerous Advantages of Short Term Car Insurance

What I'm about to clarify to you could not be the answer you might be searching for, but short-term car insurance absolutely has its benefits. It's the primary preference to get a swift and legal solution to temporarily insure a vehicle, primarily if funds could be the obstacle holding you from obeying the laws and covering your backside in situation of a mishap. It does not matter in the event you a have had the motor vehicle for many years or if it's a new car or truck. If you only really need to use a particular automobile to get a small even though, you really don't really need to invest within an extended expression costly policy.

Not merely will possessing a short-term car insurance policy keep up you out from the courts and poorhouse, it is going to give you piece of thoughts to not must be concerned about people achievable outcomes. Considering that traditionally the common insurance coverage policies see just the automobile, not you, so you will want to search into receiving some short-term car insurance coverage on any car or truck you really don't very own but which you are working with for some goal that you just couldn't use your very own ride.

Let's break it down right here so you comprehend what it can be, when it really is that you simply would want it, and the way to find the very best possibilities to suit your needs to buy.

What exactly is it?

Any time you are in possession and driving a auto that does not belong to you, it nonetheless needs to be covered to suit your needs to legally work it and short-term car insurance fits this short-term predicament. Just while you decide on your forms of coverage and deductible if you apply for the conventional policy the same options are offered to you quick expression. All of your acquainted possibilities, such as but not restricted to liability, detailed, collision uninsured motorist, medical payments and road side emergency service are nonetheless there. Similar to along with your frequent policy, you set your deductibles. A price tag might be set and you will spend that flat price ahead of time. Brief expression policies are renewable using a single mobile phone and one more payment.

When do you need one day car insurance?

The primary explanation persons use short-term car insurance is once they are renting an automobile. Automobiles is usually rented for pleasure trips, enterprise, and when your car or truck is in the store. You'll be able to use it if you are loaning car to somebody or they've lent they motor vehicle to you. Though you each may perhaps have an important insurance coverage policy, even the two mixed can not cover the important things which will go incorrect and also the added extra protection can imply the big difference of a onetime fantastic client having a no-claims discount to drop that standing and spend substantial prices for many years to come. In the event you get a brand new auto or you promote yours to one more driver, you would like that interim period to become fear no cost and legal, so be intelligent and take the uncomplicated precaution.

In which is it possible to invest in it?

I can tell you that your finest bet for very affordable short-term car insurance is discovered on the web. You have got before begun your search on-line or you wouldn't be right here studying about it. You will find comparison web pages in which you simply plug as part of your data and also a quantity of quotes from a variety of companies might be at your disposal within a matter of minutes. You'll be able to visit the internet sites of specific title organizations and fill in their quote request applications as well. Should you just adore your present agent and wish to keep up all of your policies beneath one particular umbrella, that is cool also, but armed with all the numbers and expense of what their competitors has supplied you is certainly going to reduced your price much more.

Now you recognize the fundamentals of short-term car insurance, so you could experience confident and reassured that you simply will likely be ready to satisfy your legal obligations, and be offered using a superior reliable protections at a value which is straightforward in your wallet while you start to store for the proper strategy your you as well as your circumstance.

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Facts About Comprehensive Auto Insurance Coverage

Comprehensive Auto Insurance Coverage: according to Webster, comprehensive means "of large scope;" as an adjective. In terms of naming this auto insurance coverage, this name does make some sense. Comprehensive coverage is a first party coverage, meaning for you the insured, and covers damage to your vehicle that your collision coverage doesn't cover.

As a refresher, collision coverage takes care of damages to your vehicle (less your deductible) when you collide with another vehicle or object, like a tree or a fence. There are, however, other ways in which your can be damaged. Things like water damage, theft of your stereo system or hail damage would all be covered losses under your comprehensive coverage.

There are times when the difference between collision coverage and comprehensive coverage can be a bit blurred though.

One such example would be if a deer struck your vehicle while you were driving. The reason for this is that most insurance policies will treat the collision between your vehicle and an animal as a comprehensive loss vs. a collision loss. Your insurance adjuster will, however, inspect your vehicle to confirm the damages to your vehicle are consistent with hitting an animal and that is for 2 main reasons: liability and deductible.

In terms of liability: if a deer ran into the side of your vehicle and you didn't have what is known as a "last clear chance" to avoid the deer, you wouldn't be found at fault for the accident and;
In terms of deductible: although it is typical to have the same collision and comprehensive deductibles, you can have a lower deductible for either. So, assuming your comprehensive deductible is $250 and your collision deductible is $500, your insurance adjuster will inspect your vehicle damages to confirm it is consistent with colliding with a deer. If it is, your lower comprehensive deductible would apply.
In summary, here are a few quick facts about comprehensive auto insurance coverage:

Intended to cover damage to your vehicle that are not covered under your collision coverage
Can carry a different deductible than your collision coverage, it's up to you to choose.
Typically covers events such as hail damage, water damage, vandalism, fire, theft or striking an animal.
Typically a comprehensive claim will not be considered an "at fault" loss.
As always, we strongly urge you to review your policy and coverage with your insurance company as all insurance companies vary in terms of policy interpretation and how they treat or cover certain losses or claims.

And, as always, it is a good idea to Comprehensive Auto Insurance Coverage periodically to be sure you are getting the best deal.

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Auto Insurance Coverage - Facts About Collision Coverage

If you are financing your vehicle, carrying collision coverage is not an option. Your lienholder will require that you show proof of collision coverage on the vehicle. If you don't show proof, your lienholder can force place collision coverage and you will have to pay whatever rate they give you. So, it is definitely worth your time to shop for the best and most affordable coverage.

There are a few nuances about collision coverage and your policy that you may not know about, of which are rarely discussed with you when you purchase auto insurance. One of the most common issues and misunderstandings with collision coverage is:

Replacement Part usage to repair your vehicle after an accident
When it comes to repairing your car, there is a common misperception in which people often assume that their insurance company MUST use only brand new, OEM or Original Equipment Manufacturer parts to repair the vehicle. As an example: if your front bumper warrants replacement and you drive a Toyota, you would likely assume a brand new Toyota bumper would be used. This is usually not the case.

Your insurance company does have a contractual duty, by way of your policy, to return your vehicle to pre-accident condition in the event of a covered accident. However, most insurance policies have language in them that allow the insurance company to use alternative parts if they are more cost effective for the insurance company. This would include LKQ (Like Kind & Quality) or used parts, Remanufactured or Refurbished parts or Aftermarket parts. An example of an aftermarket part would be a new bumper for your car but not manufactured by Toyota but by a different company.

From my experience as a claims adjuster and a claims manager, this often becomes an issue for the insured as many people say they don't want used parts or non-Toyota parts on their vehicle. Something to consider is this:

If you drive a 2007 Toyota Camry and it needs a new front bumper due to an accident, would putting a brand new bumper on the vehicle be returning it to its pre-accident condition? Not really. In this case, using a brand new bumper would actually be improving your vehicle as it would then have a brand new bumper on a 4 year-old car.
Now, having said that, your insurance company does have to be aware of fit and finish. What that means is if they choose to use an aftermarket bumper, they do have to make sure that it fits as a OEM bumper would and does not alter the pre-accident appearance of your vehicle, or finish. If the alternative part does not meet fit and finish compliance they will likely go ahead and use an OEM bumper.

It is important to note a few more things in terms of your policy and your collision coverage:

Many policies will have specific guidelines in them that dictate when it is appropriate to use alternative parts. As an example, your policy may state that if, at the time of the accident, your vehicle is less than a year old or has less than 12,000 miles on it then your insurance company can only use OEM parts.

There are insurance companies that will only use OEM parts for repairs, regardless of the age of your vehicle. If a part is not available from the manufacturer then they will look to use an LKQ or used part. Keep in mind this is a good alternative as it will be an OEM part off a car just like yours, so fit and finish won't be an issue. And, if the part needs painted or repaired so that it looks good, that will be included in the cost of repairs.
We recommend that you have a look at your current policy so that you can understand how your insurance company will handle damages to your vehicle under a collision claim. In addition, if you are shopping for a new auto insurance policy, we suggest asking the agent or carrier what their policy states as it relates to collision coverage and the use of alternative parts. By doing this, you ensure you understand your policy from the beginning and there won't be any issues should you have to file a collision claim.

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Accident Claims - Things You Need To Do To Pursue an Accident Claim

If you get into an accident, which we hope won't happen, one of the best things that you can do is to have an accident claim. More and more people are getting into accidents each day, and you need to protect yourself by having this type of claim. The problem is that there are a lot of people who are not aware of the things that the need to know about accident claims. This is also the reason why there are a lot of people who still don't have this kind of service with them.

If you got into a traffic accident, one of the first things that you need to do is to make sure that you have all the information that you need regarding the other vehicles involved. Ask the driver about his name, address, plate number, and the insurance company of the driver.

Once you have this information, the next thing that you need to do is to assess the external and internal damages caused by the accident. This would include taking pictures of the damage, medical reports, police reports, and other similar documents. These things will be used to assess the overall damage of the accident, and will be the basis of the amount that you will receive from an accident claim.

The help of a solicitor is also very important during the process of pursuing an accident claim, because this will ensure that everything will go smoothly. Aside from this, a solicitor will also do everything on your behalf, so you don't have to worry about anything when it comes to pursuing your claim. This will also give you better chances at being successful with your claim, since the solicitor is more than familiar of the things that should be done during the process.

The best thing that you can do whenever you got into an accident is to claim as soon as possible. If you don't have time to make the claim, you can use the Internet to find solicitors, and this will make everything easier for you. Just make sure that you do the following:

Have all the information that you can get from the driver involved in the accident.
Have any information that you can get from a witness in the area.
Take pictures of the accident, showing the extent of the damages.
Get a solicitor to speed things up.
File a claim as soon as possible.

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Do You Have The Right Car Insurance For Your Needs?

If you're searching for a good, dependable car insurance company, you know how confusing it can be to compare insurers. Not only do you need to compare rates, but also look into how trustworthy the companies are. For tips on choosing an auto insurer right for you, read on.

You should know when it comes to car insurance that your age, gender, and driving history affect your premiums. Amongst these the only one you can control is your driving history, so you should aim to keep your driving history as pristine as possible in order to keep your premiums as low as possible.

Discuss any employment-related discounts with your insurance company. Car insurance is all about statistics, and some career paths have shown a tendency to have fewer accidents. Discussing your line of work with your insurance company could therefore net you a discount, but they can't discount what they don't know about.

To save money on your insurance, consider what making a claim will cost you before reporting it. Asking the company to make a $600 repair when you have a $500 deductible is only going to net you $100 but may cause your premiums to go up more than that, for the next three years

When filling out applications for car insurance be sure to be completely honest. If you do encounter a situation where you need to file a claim with your insurance company and they find that you lied or misled them in any way in your application they can refuse to pay the claim and all premiums paid will be a waste.

To get a lower car insurance rate for teens, add them to an existing family account and take advantage of any special programs or discounts. For example, if your teenager is on the honor roll at school, they may be eligible for a good student discount. Likewise, their participation in some organizations can also earn them a special rate.

Careful, some car insurance policies do not cover damage done while you are driving other motor vehicles, such as motorcycles, four wheelers, snowmobiles, or jet skis. Be sure to check your policy to see whether these vehicles are covered before you decide to ride on one, or at the very least, make sure that your health insurance provides coverage to you.

A great tip for getting affordable car insurance is to consider limiting the amount of your comprehensive coverage if your car is not worth much. This type of coverage pays for damage to your vehicle besides an accident. Examples of this include theft and natural disasters. Consider the value of your vehicle and make the decision you think is right.

When searching for an car insurance policy that is right for you and your vehicle, be aware of how much coverage you actually need. It is dangerous to be underinsured, but if you have too much insurance, it can be an expensive mistake since you are paying for what you may not need.

As you can see, there's a lot of knowledge that goes in to selecting the right car insurance for your needs. Now that you know what needs to be done, you can make an informed decision about your insurance provider. Make sure to keep this information in mind, and good luck!

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Why Do We Have Mandatory Auto Insurance?

The term compulsory automobile insurance, unfortunately, is subject to several interpretations and this fact has resulted in no end of confusion. It is easily conceivable that the motorist might be required by law to insure his car against fire, theft, collision, earthquake, glass breaking, etc., but such types of insurance all apply to the car as such, and are not directly related to the problem which arises when the owner or operator of a car injures or kills some other person or persons.

Therefore the controversy centers about the meaning of the words "liability" and "compensation." In certain respects these two types of insurance are diametrically opposed to each other. Especially this is true from the viewpoint of the injured person attempting to get monetary remuneration. His chance of success differs greatly in respect to these two varieties of insurance.

If we disregard for the moment certain exceptions and qualifications, we may say that mandatory compensation insurance means that each car owner would be required to pay an annual premium to either an insurance company or to a state fund for the purpose of paying benefits to victims of auto accidents, or to their dependents in case of death.

The question of fault would be raised only incidentally, if at all, the courts having nothing to do with the case; and with few exceptions, the injured person would be certain of receiving compensation based upon a prescribed table of benefits. An automobile compensation commission would consider the facts in each case, as does an industrial commission in connection with workmen's compensation, and would make awards accordingly.

Thus the whole question of fault would be disregarded, largely on the twofold assumption that fault is difficult to determine in motor accidents and that such accidents, no matter whose fault they are, create social problems of dependency which can best be met by motorists as a group.

Compulsory auto liability insurance, unlike car compensation insurance, is based upon the common law of negligence and the doctrine of personal fault. Each car owner is required to purchase a liability insurance policy as a prerequisite to obtaining a license. If the injured person or his representatives can obtain a court verdict for "damages," the organization with which the driver is insured is responsible for paying the bill within the limits prescribed in the insurance policy. The motorist is thus protected within the limits of the policy.

Outside of a few inconveniences he is just as well off as if no accident had occurred, providing the court does not render a verdict in excess of the amount covered by the insurance. The injured person, to obtain remuneration, must win his case in the courts. This involves proving that he contributed nothing to the cause of the accident, and that the driver alone was one hundred per cent at fault. It has been estimated that in probably two-thirds of all injury cases the plaintiff is unable to prove this and thus can obtain no remuneration by resort to the courts.

The public at large draws little or no distinction between the compensation and liability principles of auto insurance, despite the basic differences. Some newspaper editorials, magazine articles and pamphlets make the same error. Even legislators are confused by the two principles. The average person, unacquainted with the meaning of insurance terms, in approving mandatory insurance thinks he is approving a plan by which all of the victims of motor accidents receive compensation. The term, liability insurance, is often used when the speaker is actually thinking of compensation insurance. Members of the insurance profession and others have attempted to clear up this difficulty but the misunderstanding still persists in most minds.

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A Brief History of Mandatory Car Insurance

Compulsory automobile insurance began in Switzerland in 1904. Eight years later Norway adopted it, followed by Denmark in 1918. In this country such insurance was first discussed in New Jersey in 1916, and by 1927 some form of mandatory auto insurance was under consideration in most of the other states.

In January, 1926, Connecticut put into operation a financial responsibility act. The following year the "Stone Plan" went into effect in New Hampshire, while Massachusetts inaugurated the first and, to date, the only, compulsory liability insurance law for car owners.

Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont and Minnesota also have enacted legislation somewhat similar to the Connecticut plan. These various methods of coping with automobile accidents and their accompanying problems will be explained in detail at a later point. In addition to the several plans now in operation, a number of alternative proposals have been set forth.

The Massachusetts system of mandatory liability insurance has served as the proving ground for the experiment of compulsory auto insurance. Interestingly enough the experience of the Bay State has been used to support both the pro and con arguments.

There has been considerable quibbling as to the original purpose of the law, some pointing to it as a failure-claiming that it has not reduced the number of accidents, others maintaining that the law was never intended as a safety measure but only as a means of insuring financial responsibility. It is charged that the administration of the act has become involved in politics.

The total effect of the difficulties raised in the operation of the Massachusetts law has been to divert attention, temporarily at least, from liability insurance to compensation insurance, if the temper and number of magazine articles and newspaper comments may be taken as a criterion.

It is not improbable that the fight over mandatory insurance may shift from the liability field to that of compensation, principally because of the precedent thought to be found in workman's compensation insurance. However, the plan adopted in the future may not be purely either a liability or a compensation measure. The Connecticut and New Hampshire plans, as well as a number of other proposals, present ideas for consideration.

While the public mind has been much confused as to the meaning of the various proposals, those who understand the principles involved and who are taking an active part in the controversy seem to be needlessly far apart on certain fundamental propositions.

For example, there should be general agreement on the point that the prevention of automobile accidents should be the main purpose of any kind of legislation on this subject, for without accidents there would be no need for any form of compensation. However, second only to accident prevention, is the adequate care of the injured persons and of their dependents.

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Reasons For Having Auto Insurance Today

Tennessee auto insurance is required by state law for every vehicle that is driven on the state roads. It's also a requirement for registration of vehicles which need to be registered and licensed with the state. However, there are several reasons that a person is now required to have this coverage whereas in the beginning of the use of automobiles, it was not even a thought for the drivers or the manufacturers.

Many state representatives will tell you that they have these requirements as a way to build funds for road repairs and building. The amount budgeted by the state to provide these services is not enough to cover the maintenance as well as build new roads for the ever increasing towns and cities today. The cost of insurance as risen at an alarming rate over recent years as well.

People are wondering why they have to first pay for the vehicle that they drive and then pay to register their vehicle with the state in which they live and also carry a state mandated amount of coverage on their vehicle while they are driving it. All of these costs can add up quickly for any person today.

Vehicle coverage that is required today is set up to protect the other drivers that you might be involved in a collision with. For example, if you're driving and end up being involved in a crash that is deemed to be your fault, your coverage will pay a certain amount for the repairs of their vehicle as well as medical expenses up to a certain amount.

Getting the right amount of coverage will depend of course on the state that you live in. There are minimums set for every state in the country but they are not all the same limit or the same type of requirement. When you are looking for coverage, you should look up the requirements for the state in which you live before looking for the coverage to avoid problems if you request coverage that is not compliant with the minimum requirement.

The required coverage that needs to be included for Tennessee auto insurance today provides coverage for the other driver in the event that you are involved in a collision that is deemed to be your fault. While some states have a no fault policy, often the other driver will still attempt to collect from your carrier. Usually there will be a clause in place which is known as a mini torte that protects you from litigation.

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Preparing Yourself And Your Teen For Independent Driving

For a young person, getting their licence to drive is one of the hugest milestones in their life. Not only does being able to drive possibly mean getting to spend more time with their friends, it also grants them a sense of independence. However, with the independence of being able to drive on their own, comes great responsibility. Teenagers (especially boys) are known for taking chances behind the wheel; because of this, getting them insured to drive is can be expensive.

It's not just the boys who fail to follow safety rules, some girls do as well. However, it might be a little easier to get your teenage daughter insured than your son. Whether it's fair or not, it's still a fact, but there are some things you can try, in order to impress your insurers and possibly get a better rate.

Purchasing a new, but relatively inexpensive car will provide your child with more safety features than old cars. Many insurers will knock some money off your bill if your child is going to be driving a "safe" car. You don't have to get a completely new car, either. Many used cars offer the same safety features as new cars, and if your kid does happen to get in a fender-bender, the damage may not be as difficult to look at.

Getting good grades won't just help prepare your son or daughter for being out on their own someday, they can also make a big impression on insurers. Getting high marks in school shows insurers that the child is responsible in at least one area of their life, and might be more likely to take safe driving seriously, as well.

Whether your kid is driving a car he or she bought on their own or they're driving the family car, having everything in your name can save quite a bit. You also don't need to get full coverage unless you really want it. Liability is all that is required in most places and is a lot cheaper than being covered fully.

No matter how much of a hurry everyone is in to get things going and get out on the road, if you want to save yourself some money and get the best rates, it is important to shop around. You can do this easily online and save yourself quite a bit of time, as well as cash. The more places you compare, the better your chances of getting a good deal.

About this Author

You can get details about Oregon auto ins requirements and tips on how to find cheap young driver insurance, now.

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